Donate your time, talents and skills by volunteering! For more information please click on 'Get Involved'
Did you know that there is a Healthy Choice Program as part of the breakfast club program? Children and youth are encouraged to eat fruit (and sometimes vegetables!) as part of their first meal of the day and when they do they gather points which they eventually get to cash in at the 'prize table'. There are daily questions about nutrition and healthy physical activity & sleep that they earn points for also. Donations to the prize table can be small toys, games, mittens, modeling clay, Pokemon cards and balls.
Plastic spoons & forks, ziploc bags (sandwich & snack size), paper towels, aluminum foil and dish soap are items that cannot be purchased with breakfast club funding so these items are always needed.
We always welcome donations from our local businesses. If you don't need it or can't sell it our participants and programs may be able to use it!
New items that we could use for our fundraising efforts; such as for a silent auction, are greatly appreciated.
In the family centre, did you know that Families First CAPC has an emergency food cupboard here in Westminster? Families can access items for a meal when in need. Families First CAPC also has a baby food cupboard with items such as baby food, formula and diapers. Baby formula is one of the most needed items on their list so consider this when donating.
Grocery cards are another great way to donate. They are used to purchase perishables such as milk and bread for the food cupboard.
The Westminster Breakfast Program is always looking for hot oatmeal packets (maple brown sugar, peaches & cream, apples & cinnamon), boxes of cereal (mini wheats, cheerios), cheese whiz, pancake mix, salsa (mild), snack bars, juice boxes and other dry breakfast items.
Gift Cards, etc:
Gift cards to various stores can be used to purchase supplies for our programs and/or community events as well as specialty items that are in need.
And, if you insist, we will always accept money that will be spent directly on the programs and events happening here in Westminster Park.
Charitable donation receipt for donations over $20